Thursday, 6 August 2020

Timer OFF/ON Button in AC Remote

  • Timer OFF and ON is a precision control, you set exact time, and the AC will turn off, exactly at the same time, daily. Obviously this operation is generally used in tandem with Timer on control.

You set Timer on & Timer off, and every day, AC follows same routine, in this control, the set temperature is maintained.

Electric charges will go down if you use it wisely. 

Please go through below mentioned sentences. Then you will understand. 

If you have started the ac now. And  need to switch off the ac after few hours. For example 2 hours starting from now when you will set the timer it will start counting 2 hours and switch it off the ac . Whatever timer you set; it will start counting from the time set and switch it off as per the time decided I mean set timer. Timer will start counting from the time you set. 

How do I set it? 

Answer: Before setting ON timer please ensure that electric power is there in your AC unit. For setting ON timer press ON TIMER button repeatedly on your AC remote to set the desired duration for switching ON the AC.

In the same manner you can set AC OFF Timer using OFF TIMER button on remote control to set the desired duration for switching OFF the AC unit while AC is switched ON.

How Timer works? What is the mechanical part? Ok. Let's see.

General working
If you set your timer to switch on AC after 3 hrs , it wil start a count down from 180 min to 0min , after it reaches 0 min it will trigger compressor to start operation

If you set your timer to switch off AC after 3 hrs , it wil start a count down from 180 min to 0min , after it reaches 0 min it will trigger compressor to stop operation

Technical working
As these timers are signal based they have 3 basic inputs ( it can vary as per model)
The input signal ( your time input)
The output signal ( signal sent to contactor )
Power signal ( power required for timer to operate )

Once the input has been made the countdown starts after the countdown is compete the timer then sends a signal to contactor to switch on or switch off the compressor.

If there are other accessories like crankcase heater etc then the wiring will become bit complex depending on the requirements.

Please leave a comment or see contact for more details. 


G4TecVlog Team. 

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